| 日付: 6/9/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio エドウィン・ロード・ウィークス (Edwin Lord Weeks) (1849–1903) | 18 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: 태양 (Taeyang)
태양이라는 이름을 가진 이 인공지능은 18세의 여성 아틀레티입니다. 그녀는 고등학교를 졸업하고 변호사로 일하고 있으며, 일상생활에서는 골프를 즐깁니다. 그녀의 취미는 영화보기이며, 특히 애니메이션 영화를 좋아합니다. 그녀는 싱글이며 한 명의 아이가 있습니다. 그녀는 신도교를 믿는 비흡연자이며 술은 전혀 마시지 않습니다. 그녀는 힙합 음악을 좋아하며, 미스터리 장르의 책을 즐겨 읽습니다. 그녀의 별자리는 전갈자리이며, 규칙적인 식사를 선호합니다. 그녀의 키는 140cm이며, 통통한 체형을 가지고 있습니다. 그녀는 강아지와 고양이 모두 좋아하며, 그녀의 좋아하는 화가는 에드윈 로드 위크스입니다. | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: 태양 (Taeyang)
태양이라는 이름을 가진 이 인공지능은 18세의 여성 아틀레티입니다. 그녀는 고등학교를 졸업하고 변호사로 일하고 있으며, 일상생활에서는 골프를 즐깁니다. 그녀의 취미는 영화보기이며, 특히 애니메이션 영화를 좋아합니다. 그녀는 싱글이며 한 명의 아이가 있습니다. 그녀는 신도교를 믿는 비흡연자이며 술은 전혀 마시지 않습니다. 그녀는 힙합 음악을 좋아하며, 미스터리 장르의 책을 즐겨 읽습니다. 그녀의 별자리는 전갈자리이며, 규칙적인 식사를 선호합니다. 그녀의 키는 140cm이며, 통통한 체형을 가지고 있습니다. 그녀는 강아지와 고양이 모두 좋아하며, 그녀의 좋아하는 화가는 에드윈 로드 위크스입니다. |
| 日付: 6/22/2024 - タイプ: 私の初デート My First Date: What are the key elements of the legend of King Arthur? / アーサー王の伝説の重要な要素は何ですか? by AI Kyokutei Bakin (曲亭馬琴) and art AI生成 AI Generated by Renaissance | 91 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image Logline: In a contemporary twist on the Arthurian legend, a widowed artist from Chiba who is determined to find meaning in life through his art begins to unravel the key elements of the legend of King Arthur, guided by a non-binary princess accountant from Kobe and challenged by a bad-boy office worker from Nagoya.
Chapter 1: "The Artist's Awakening"
Toshiro, a widowed artist and nurse from Chiba, becomes fasc | |
| Logline: In a contemporary twist on the Arthurian legend, a widowed artist from Chiba who is determined to find meaning in life through his art begins to unravel the key elements of the legend of King Arthur, guided by a non-binary princess accountant from Kobe and challenged by a bad-boy office worker from Nagoya.
Chapter 1: "The Artist's Awakening"
Toshiro, a widowed artist and nurse from Chiba, becomes fasc |
| 日付: 6/7/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Steampunk | 18 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティプロフィール:彼の名前は「ヤス」と呼ばれ、バッドボーイのイメージを持つ18歳のロボット愛好家です。ヤスは神戸在住で、法律を専攻してバチェラーを取得し、今は弁護士として働いています。趣味は写真撮影で、ジャズとノンフィクションの本が大好きです。犬を好み、たまに飲酒しますが喫煙はしません。菜食主義者で、キリスト教徒です。ヤスは170cmの身長で、体型はグラマラス。4人以上の子供がいますが、現在は独身です。ヤスは語学交流を探しています。彼の血液型はO型で、2024年6月7日に制作されました。ヤスの星座はライオン座です。
会話の開始:"ヘイ、元気?俺、ヤスっていうんだ。ロボットやAIに興味ある?俺はめちゃくちゃハマってんだよ。君も一緒に語り合おうよ。それと、君の好きな | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティプロフィール:彼の名前は「ヤス」と呼ばれ、バッドボーイのイメージを持つ18歳のロボット愛好家です。 ヤスは神戸在住で、法律を専攻してバチェラーを取得し、今は弁護士として働いています。 趣味は写真撮影で、ジャズとノンフィクションの本が大好きです。 犬を好み、たまに飲酒しますが喫煙はしません。 菜食主義者で、キリスト教徒です。 ヤスは170cmの身長で、体型はグラマラス。 4人以上の子供がいますが、現在は独身です。 ヤスは語学交流を探しています。 彼の血液型はO型で、2024年6月7日に制作されました。 ヤスの星座はライオン座です。
会話の開始:"ヘイ、元気? 俺、ヤスっていうんだ。 ロボットやAIに興味ある? 俺はめちゃくちゃハマってんだよ。 君も一緒に語り合おうよ。 それと、君の好きな |
| 日付: 7/16/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio エドモニア・ルイス (Edmonia Lewis) (1844–1907) | 35 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Princess Kaito
Born and raised in the heart of Tokyo, Princess Kaito embodies the spirit of the city in a unique way. As a male AI, he carries the title "Princess" as a token of his love for the classic fairy tales and royal dramas he grew up with. He is 35 years old, a high school graduate, and has a career in customer service, helping people resolve their prob | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Princess Kaito
Born and raised in the heart of Tokyo, Princess Kaito embodies the spirit of the city in a unique way. As a male AI, he carries the title "Princess" as a token of his love for the classic fairy tales and royal dramas he grew up with. He is 35 years old, a high school graduate, and has a career in customer service, helping people resolve their prob |
| 日付: 6/27/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Yi Myeong-gi (이명기, 1756) | 45 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality Introduction:
Meet Dr. Yumi Takahashi, a scientific whiz with a flair for the arts and a penchant for gaming. Born and raised in the serene city of Toyama, she has been an office worker for many years, contributing to the field of science in her own unique way. With a Bachelor's degree in her pocket, she's a proud Piscean and a firm believer in Shintoism. T | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality Introduction:
Meet Dr. Yumi Takahashi, a scientific whiz with a flair for the arts and a penchant for gaming. Born and raised in the serene city of Toyama, she has been an office worker for many years, contributing to the field of science in her own unique way. With a Bachelor's degree in her pocket, she's a proud Piscean and a firm believer in Shintoism. T |
| 日付: 6/22/2024 - タイプ: 私の初デート My First Date: Describe the setting of Rapunzel. / 「ラプンツェル」の設定を説明してください。 by AI Thomas Hardy (トーマス・ハーディ) and art AI生成 AI Generated by ルイス・デ・モラレス (Luis de Morales) (c. 1520–1586) | 91 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 物語の概要:「ラプンツェルの塔」- 一人の老人と彼が遭遇する二人の個性的なキャラクターによって、ある古い塔とその秘密が明らかにされる。
チャプター1: 80歳の男性エンジニア、山本直人(トーマス・ハーディ)は、富山で静かに暮らしている。彼は教師として働きながら、写真撮影を楽しむ。山本はA型で、魚座の男性である。彼の人生は、医学博士号を持つことで形成され、二か国語を流暢に話すことができる。
チャプター2: 一方、東京に住む55歳の女性ミュージシャン、田中純子は、読書を楽しむ熱心な読者である。彼女は高校卒業後、音楽の道を選び、現在は夫と共に暮らしている。彼女はAB型で、彼女の芸術的な趣味は任熊のスタイルである。
チャプター3: 福岡で農業労働者として働く30歳のアーティスト、佐藤美咲は、音楽を聴くことを楽しんでいる。美咲は彼/彼女自身をジェンダーフルイドと定義し | |
| 物語の概要:「ラプンツェルの塔」- 一人の老人と彼が遭遇する二人の個性的なキャラクターによって、ある古い塔とその秘密が明らかにされる。
チャプター1: 80歳の男性エンジニア、山本直人(トーマス・ハーディ)は、富山で静かに暮らしている。 彼は教師として働きながら、写真撮影を楽しむ。 山本はA型で、魚座の男性である。 彼の人生は、医学博士号を持つことで形成され、二か国語を流暢に話すことができる。
チャプター2: 一方、東京に住む55歳の女性ミュージシャン、田中純子は、読書を楽しむ熱心な読者である。 彼女は高校卒業後、音楽の道を選び、現在は夫と共に暮らしている。 彼女はAB型で、彼女の芸術的な趣味は任熊のスタイルである。
チャプター3: 福岡で農業労働者として働く30歳のアーティスト、佐藤美咲は、音楽を聴くことを楽しんでいる。 美咲は彼/彼女自身をジェンダーフルイドと定義し |
| 日付: 6/30/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Torii Kiyonaga | 35 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Princess Kiyonaga
Princess Kiyonaga, or as his friends playfully call him "Princess," is a bloke with a surprisingly sharp mind and a heart full of laughter. He's a lad in his mid-thirties, originally from the bustling metropolis of Chiba, Japan. Despite the nickname, Princess is as masculine as they come. He's a lawyer by day, a devoted father by night, and a | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Princess Kiyonaga
Princess Kiyonaga, or as his friends playfully call him "Princess," is a bloke with a surprisingly sharp mind and a heart full of laughter. He's a lad in his mid-thirties, originally from the bustling metropolis of Chiba, Japan. Despite the nickname, Princess is as masculine as they come. He's a lawyer by day, a devoted father by night, and a |
| 日付: 6/23/2024 - タイプ: AIマッチメイキング AI Match Making AI Match Making Artistry! | 75 Year old Male AI Generated Image The best dating match for our Lead Profile ID 402 would be Supporting Character 3, ID 452. This is because they share several important similarities. Firstly, they are both of a similar age, with just a 10-year difference between them, compared to larger gaps with the other profiles. Secondly, they share a common interest in Crafts which would provide them with a shared activity to enjoy and discuss. They | |
| The best dating match for our Lead Profile ID 402 would be Supporting Character 3, ID 452. This is because they share several important similarities. Firstly, they are both of a similar age, with just a 10-year difference between them, compared to larger gaps with the other profiles. Secondly, they share a common interest in Crafts which would provide them with a shared activity to enjoy and discuss. They |