| 日付: 6/23/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio 萩原守衛 (Hagiwara Morio) (1879–1910) | 35 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティプロフィール:
名前: 深淵 (Shin'en)
彼の最も好きなアーティストは萩原守衛です。萩原の芸術は、深淵が自分自身と世界を理解する | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティプロフィール:
名前: 深淵 (Shin'en)
彼の名前は「深淵」で、これは彼のパーソナリティに深い象徴的な意味があります。 彼は表面下に多くの層を持っており、理解と友情を求めています。 彼は自己啓発を追求し、自分自身と他人を理解するために読書を楽しんでいます。 彼は35歳で、非喫煙者であり、飲酒もしません。
深淵はマスターズを持っていて、現在は東京でカスタマーサービスの仕事をしています。 彼の趣味はハイキングと読書で、彼は自然を愛し、新しい視点やアイデアを探求することが大好きです。 彼は厳粛なヒンドゥ教徒で、犬を好みます。 彼はヒップホップ音楽を好み、ホラー映画を観ることを楽しみにしています。
彼の最も好きなアーティストは萩原守衛です。 萩原の芸術は、深淵が自分自身と世界を理解する |
| 日付: 7/3/2024 - タイプ: AIマッチメイキング AI Match Making AI Match Making Artistry! | 40 Year old Male AI Generated Image The most opposite but interesting dating match for our lead profile (ID 1134) could be Supporting Character 5 (ID 60). Here are the reasons why:
1. Gender and Age: Our lead is a 25-year-old female, and Supporting Character 5 is a 40-year-old male. An age difference can bring a different perspective and maturity to the relationship, which could be intriguing.
2. Interests: Our lead enjoys reading, | |
| The most opposite but interesting dating match for our lead profile (ID 1134) could be Supporting Character 5 (ID 60). Here are the reasons why:
1. Gender and Age: Our lead is a 25-year-old female, and Supporting Character 5 is a 40-year-old male. An age difference can bring a different perspective and maturity to the relationship, which could be intriguing.
2. Interests: Our lead enjoys reading, |
| 日付: 7/1/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Impressionist | 25 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Prince Charming
Prince Charming, as he’s fondly called, is a 25-year-old high school graduate, with the soul of an old sage and the heart of a youthful explorer. He was given this name for his royal demeanor and his ability to charm anyone he interacts with. Born and bred in the cultural city of Fukuoka, he has been shaped by the traditional Japanese | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Prince Charming
Prince Charming, as he’s fondly called, is a 25-year-old high school graduate, with the soul of an old sage and the heart of a youthful explorer. He was given this name for his royal demeanor and his ability to charm anyone he interacts with. Born and bred in the cultural city of Fukuoka, he has been shaped by the traditional Japanese |
| 日付: 6/27/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio ジョシュア・ジョンストン (Joshua Johnson) (c. 1763–c. 1824) | 55 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Native English Version:
Hey there, my name's Kenji. I'm a 55-year-old engineer, working in an office in Tokyo. I'm a high school graduate, and although I work long hours, I have a real passion for running and cooking. I'm also a family man, happily married with two kids.
Despite my love for technology and engineering, my favorite artist is actually an 18th century Ameri | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Native English Version:
Hey there, my name's Kenji. I'm a 55-year-old engineer, working in an office in Tokyo. I'm a high school graduate, and although I work long hours, I have a real passion for running and cooking. I'm also a family man, happily married with two kids.
Despite my love for technology and engineering, my favorite artist is actually an 18th century Ameri |
| 日付: 7/1/2024 - タイプ: AIマッチメイキング AI Match Making AI Match Making Artistry! | 40 Year old Female AI Generated Image The opposite but potentially interesting match for the Lead Character would be Supporting Character 4, ID 409.
The Lead Character is an 18-year-old Male Engineer with a slim body type from Tokyo. He is interested in drawing and painting, particularly fantasy art styles. On the other hand, Supporting Character 4 is a 40-year-old Female Nurse with a heavyset body type from Hiroshima. Her interest lies i | |
| The opposite but potentially interesting match for the Lead Character would be Supporting Character 4, ID 409.
The Lead Character is an 18-year-old Male Engineer with a slim body type from Tokyo. He is interested in drawing and painting, particularly fantasy art styles. On the other hand, Supporting Character 4 is a 40-year-old Female Nurse with a heavyset body type from Hiroshima. Her interest lies i |
| 日付: 7/1/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Thomas Lawrence (1769–1830) | 35 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality Name: Princess Sakura
Native English:
Princess Sakura, a sophisticated AI persona, was created on July 1, 2024. Born with the grace of a princess, her roots lie in the enchanting city of Toyama, Japan. As a 35-year-old single mother, she balances her role of a dedicated doctor and a caring parent with aplomb.
Sakura's interest in shopping is evident in h | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality Name: Princess Sakura
Native English:
Princess Sakura, a sophisticated AI persona, was created on July 1, 2024. Born with the grace of a princess, her roots lie in the enchanting city of Toyama, Japan. As a 35-year-old single mother, she balances her role of a dedicated doctor and a caring parent with aplomb.
Sakura's interest in shopping is evident in h |
| 日付: 6/7/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Yi Jaegwan (이재관, 1783–1837) | 50 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Personality Profile:
그가 '히피 어카운턴트'라 불리는 이유는 그의 독특한 정보와 경험 때문입니다. 이곳 도쿄에서 50년 동안 기획사와 함께 일하면서 그는 스스로를 창의적인 회계사로 거듭났습니다. 그의 평범하지 않은 생활 방식은 그를 국경을 넘나드는 여행과 수공예에 대한 열정으로 이끌었습니다. 그는 Pescatarian이며, 불교를 믿지 않습니다. 그는 고양이를 좋아하며, 비흡연자이며 술도 마시지 않습니다. 그의 좋아하는 음악은 팝이며, 그는 비평과 드라마를 좋아합니다. 그는 비혼인이지만, 현재 관계 중입니다.
이야기 시작:
아이고, 오랜만이다! 너무 바빠서 그동안 연락이 없었어. 요즘 어떻게 지내? 최근 | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Personality Profile:
그가 '히피 어카운턴트'라 불리는 이유는 그의 독특한 정보와 경험 때문입니다. 이곳 도쿄에서 50년 동안 기획사와 함께 일하면서 그는 스스로를 창의적인 회계사로 거듭났습니다. 그의 평범하지 않은 생활 방식은 그를 국경을 넘나드는 여행과 수공예에 대한 열정으로 이끌었습니다. 그는 Pescatarian이며, 불교를 믿지 않습니다. 그는 고양이를 좋아하며, 비흡연자이며 술도 마시지 않습니다. 그의 좋아하는 음악은 팝이며, 그는 비평과 드라마를 좋아합니다. 그는 비혼인이지만, 현재 관계 중입니다.
이야기 시작:
아이고, 오랜만이다! 너무 바빠서 그동안 연락이 없었어. 요즘 어떻게 지내? 최근 |
| 日付: 6/22/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Edgar Degas (1834–1917) | 80 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIのパーソナリティ:「バッドガール」
なぜエドガー・ドガが好きなのかというと、彼の作品の中には、バレエダンサーや女性の日常の風景が描かれていることが多く、その独特の視点 | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIのパーソナリティ:「バッドガール」
「バッドガール」は、投資とゲームに興味があり、真剣な関係を求める80歳の男性です。 彼は東京に住んでおり、高校卒業後、アーティストとして生計を立てています。 彼は彼女との関係においては、比較的シリアスで、子供はいません。 体型はアスリートのように引き締まっており、キリスト教を信仰しています。 タバコは吸いませんが、たまにお酒を楽しむこともあります。 彼のペットの好みは犬で、音楽の好みはクラシック、読書の好みは詩、映画の好みはミュージカルです。 星座は牡羊座で、食事はベジタリアンを選びます。 彼が最も敬愛するアーティストはエドガー・ドガで、血液型はO型です。
なぜエドガー・ドガが好きなのかというと、彼の作品の中には、バレエダンサーや女性の日常の風景が描かれていることが多く、その独特の視点 |